About MIC

Management International Conference (MIC) is a traditional conference for scholars of management studies, welcoming participants from around the world, with broad and diverse research interests. In 2019 it will be organized for the 19th time and in co-operation of five partner institutions: the University of Primorska, Faculty of Management (Slovenia), the  Moscow State University Lomonosov, Moscow School of Economics (Russian Federation) and the Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Faculty of Economics and Tourism "Dr. Mijo Mirković" (Croatia).

Toward Green, Inclusive, and Digital Growth

Eight billion people have inhabited the Earth since November 2022. Earth's population is confronted with global warming, the war in Ukraine is at the forefront of Europe,  and poverty marks many parts of the world. It is a task and duty of the academic community to discuss the future developments at micro and macro levels. Scenarios for the future of humanity are not fixed and unavoidable. There are many ways to work towards a future that is green, digital, and inclusive. This 'trinity' of key concepts for humanity is not sufficient but obviously a required condition for future life.


MIC 2023 conference aims at shedding light on a green, digital, and inclusive society. We cordially invite you, the researcher, professional, and educator, to join us and share with the MIC community your ideas, research, and scenarios from different perspectives: management, economics, organizational studies, finances and accountancy, education, or any other perspective that might contribute to fruitful, challenging, and interesting discussion. 


Submit your abstract by April 20, 2023

Online submission


E-mail: [email protected]

Website: www.mic.fm-kp.si
